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MDH is the most popular amateur scene in Germany, as well as girls from the USA and Canada. It was created as a social network where you can chat with real lovers who offer their own videos for a small fee.
You can register for free and get a start-up loan to view some profiles and watch some of the videos. Which are many: they currently offer 449,511 _REAL_ home-made amateur videos that were recorded all by themselves.
In the left column of the site you can select the girls you would like to see: from Canada, the USA and Germany.
You can also scan through the different profiles of “100 best lovers” or “100 best newcomers” to see what other people love. Along with the profile picture, you will always see the location of the girl / couple (anonymous postcode), the language they speak, the age of the artist (s) and their online status.
You can watch videos from them for a small fee, as well as receive VIP status (for example, receive videos earlier than others), and you can communicate with them. In addition, you can love people who like to receive updates when they have a new video, photo or story.