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Gone Wild Lovers! The site says that everything is uploaded by users, but I’m not sure if this is true. What is true is that all their contents are true lovers. There are many amateur sites claiming to show only videos of real people, but in the end you will find videos created by professioanl – this will not happen here!
If this is your first visit to the site, you will immediately get evidence that this site is quite old. No, I’m not talking about their huge archvi, but about the look of the site! 😉 It looks a bit outdated and, as a rule, does not look like a modern site. But we are focused on video and pictures, right? Correctly!
To go to the real content, you first need to scroll down a bit to go to the images, and if you scroll again, you will get the thumbs marked with the “video” tag. The video is not of the best quality, but frankly, this does not apply to most amateur videos. You can watch videos for up to 10 minutes for free until you click “watch here in full”, which will redirect you to another (premium) site.
So not everything is free, but in fact I am concerned about the sheer number of external links. The left column is filled with this, and a large number of icons in the main column also lead to external sites. Although many of them are really good (we even listed them here at, not all of them are worth a visit.
Conclusion: “Lovers of Madness” is a good site with good videos and photos, but not my first choice when looking for amateur videos.