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Ersties is a kind of pun for the first time for a girl, as erste means first in German. All videos focus on real recordings, so you will only see real girls in their real homes – do real porn. 😉
The entire crew is female students and photographers with the goal of showing female sexuality and eroticism in a natural and unique way. Girls talk about themselves and what turns them on. Usually initially nervous, they quickly lose their inhibitions, lifting them. The girls are all natural and just like the neighbors in the neighborhood. No silicone monsters, excessively ruddy or “slutty” girls. Everything is natural and real. Nothing is set.
HD video that you can stream directly from your browser – or you can download it for future reference. Each video can be added to the heart right next to the video, where you can also “scatter roses” to vote for it. There are ~ 315 videos right now, including shooting photosets.
You can either view their update page, or simply view their model index to find out who interests you. Most of them are from Germany, but they also have some foreigners.
There are a lot of teasers in the commercials, and you will see a lot of masturbation, dildo, lesbian love, as well as a bit of BDSM and frank sex (“First Blind Sex Date”). Before you begin the action, you will also find a lot of interviews, where the girls say who they are, where they come from, what they like and what you see in the video.
In general, this is a great amateur site with real European, amateur girls with unusually good content. The site looks very good, but navigation can be a little better, as well as information on how often the videos are updated. Beware of spending for 1 month – for just $ 10 you get another 2 months full of fun for lovers. Ersties also has a new cam section, which is optional.