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Wwe on XXX porn sites, we love porn. But more than flawless pornstars, we have the same taste: Real Homemade Porn. And it’s pornsite around for years, offering small porn videos of real home porn. All of their videos are genuine, but have one drawback: they are all quite small, and you will only find those that last 30 minutes or more.
In addition, all this is an amazing place to watch homemade porn. Just click on one of the thumbs and the player will open and you can watch it without pop-ups. There are various ways to find what you like. You can select videos, photos and categories from the menu in the top menu. The search is a bit complicated, but gives pretty good results. I could not find the number of videos available, but LOTS of them!
I don’t know if this is a unique design or if the owners use some kind of CMS, but I personally don’t like hundreds of links to external sites on the left. Although there are some that are worth a click, 95% of them are IMHO shit.
The design is old and it is updated very rarely, but I love home porn, and as Swapsmut is a genuine source for real home porn, I always visit it every now and then.